Individuals Bound Together As One Community

Individuals Bound Together As One Community
We all must realize we are individuals in a larger whole and need to evolve ourselves with positive purpose in order to succeed and thrive in life.

Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Yesterday? That's so yesterday!!

Today, I was reminded of something that I learned a few years ago. I had someone say to me today that they wish they could go back and fix all of the stupid things they did, and maybe they would not have ended up in the situation they are in now. Really!!?? We can wish all we want. We can lament what we did or didn't do. We can say and think all of the "should haves, would haves, could haves" we want. But there is a reality: It's simple really. No matter how hard we try, we can't relive or redo what happened in the past. So why spend time and energy dwelling on it? What will spending all of that energy get us? Nothing but more aggravation and self-doubt. In fact, when we spend time lamenting our yesterday, we are giving away our own value. And that ends up causing us to spend even more negative energy...or worse. So how about this: Think about today. Think about the good, positive things you can do today, right now. Think about how wonderful your life is now. What?!? You say it's not wonderful? Think about are alive. You have opportunities to be who you want to be. Take the time, even a few minutes to lift yourself up. Smile at yourself. Laugh at your own silliness (I do that every day!). Remember that no matter what, you have today. Make it your day. this today, you will have tomorrow. So, stop dwelling on yesterday and start celebrating today. After all, as my leadership mentor John C. Maxwell matters!!! In fact, it's all we really have.

What do you think? We've all been there. Share your thoughts and how you deal with "yesterday"! 

Sunday, December 25, 2022

So....What is the VALUE in you? BTW...Happy Holidays!

 Well, here we are. It's Christmas 2022. Do you feel like you are of value? Do you wonder if anyone cares? Well, first of all, YOU should care. Yes, no matter what you think - you are valuable. I remember ten years ago. Yes, that's right in 2012...I felt like no one cared. But the reality is that I didn't care about myself. three-O stupid that was, huh? So, I want everyone to know this.... YOU are valuable. YOU are loved, by someone. And maybe that someone is YOU!! I don't care if you think this is BS, look deep inside of yourself. You KNOW you are worth something. I have worked with a lot of people...and when pressed, they DO find value in themselves. And so will you. Let's walk on this journey together. I promise you; you will find your own value...and a life of hope and dignity!!! Enjoy! 2023 will be OUR year!!

Thursday, December 22, 2022

It's Been A Long Time

 Hello!! Yes, it's been a very long time since I have been here. Well, I am back. And...I am better than ever. In fact, I have found the value inside of myself that was there all along. What? You are looking for your value too? Imagine that!! Over the last ten years, I have met so many people who thought they were not of themselves, or anyone else. I thought that about myself, but you know what? I was wrong. And so were they. I found that if I figured out the "whys" in my life, I could...with a lot of willingness and determination, find out the value I have inside of myself. In doing so, I became transformed, evolved really, into the person I am today - valuable, honest, authentic, comfortable, and hopeful. You can get to this too!  In 2018, I developed a program called "A Value Driven Life." In summary, it's a mental wellness, self-help program that helps you figure out the "why's" in your life, so you can build a life of value - a true value-driven life of dignity, respect and hope.

Now that I'm back, I want to share this program, and so much more with everyone. So...hang with me, be patient and come along on an exciting journey of self-discovery, self-evolution, and hope!!