Individuals Bound Together As One Community

Individuals Bound Together As One Community
We all must realize we are individuals in a larger whole and need to evolve ourselves with positive purpose in order to succeed and thrive in life.

Thursday, May 11, 2023

Each Of Us Is Unique and Valuable

Apologies for being absent for a month of so. It's been a challenging time...maybe for all of us!! Nevertheless, I have a though to share.

Recently, I was told "you are so like your father" and then "you act just like your mother." What does that mean??? At the time, I replied, albeit angrily, "I am NOT my father and I am NOT my father. I am ME!"  Think about that. I AM myself. While I may have some traits of my dear Father and Mother, I am a unique individual. After all, that's what "individual" means...right!? Unique, one of a kind. 

So many of us give up our individuality to fit in, conform or be what someone else wants us to be. In essence that is giving AWAY our own precious value. In my book I'm working on called "A Value-Driven Life", I talk about our personal "value bucket". In our value bucket, we carry the "fluid" of our value. I talk about how important it is to protect our value. To not let anyone take it from us or even to not give it away without purpose. When someone tries to tell you that you are like someone else, they are taking away you value from your value bucket. Do you want to just GIVE that away? I think, probably NOT!! Take a moment to sit back and say, "hey, I'm ME, not anyone else, not who you want me to be." Explain that you are a unique, special and valuable INDIVIDUAL....just like they are. The reality is that each of us is unique and that's what helps make our world so special as well. We each need to embrace our value...and uniqueness and celebrate it...within ourselves and with each other.

Think about how much better all of us would feel and how much better our world would be.

As always, I welcome your comments!!

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