Individuals Bound Together As One Community

Individuals Bound Together As One Community
We all must realize we are individuals in a larger whole and need to evolve ourselves with positive purpose in order to succeed and thrive in life.

Thursday, February 23, 2023

So...What Now?

So, what now? Is that a question you ask yourself often? I guess I have had that experience in the past few days or weeks. Last week, I had a complicated ear surgery, which the outcome is still in doubt. Will I hear again in my ear? Will I look different with my ear sewn on? So..what now?

Well, when I take a moment to reflect, the answer is clear. You just get up and move onward. Life deals all of us with a lot of challenges. Big and small and everything in between comes at us each day. Many challenges we just take on without thinking about, while others are so large as to weigh us down and push us over. 

The secret to moving on is to look for every possible opportunity within the challenge. Think about it. If someone has been told they a have life-threatening disease, the challenge is immense, yet they can look at the opportunities to connect deeper with family, take on something they thought they could never do, or embark on a spiritual journey. The opportunities are really endless. For me, what if I look a little different, I can embrace my new-found look, laugh about it and know that it helps make me even more unique than I am. As for my hearing, well, I can always hear from one side, and I can always take the opportunity to see what technology is available to give me more hearing ability with what I have. Point is that nothing is lost, and all can be gained. How about that I can use the challenge to refocus my senses and talents on my other senses, visual and creative. I can move away from self-doubt and move into self-discovery. How exciting is that!!

Late today, an amazing friend of mine, Jim Bowers, sent me the following message that is timely and relevant in so many ways. Jim and I are artists, creators. He is also a dreamer, inspirational and authentic. We are both "perfectly imperfect", as he says. Here's what he had to say:

“Every single human being on this planet (NO EXCEPTIONS) has something BRILLIANT to offer mankind, whether they know it, believe it, or not. It may be obvious, or it may be hidden, deep within an insecurity. Self-doubt renders that BRILLIANT YOU undiscovered, unrecognized, and unappreciated. 

Given time, trust, and commitment, I WILL discover, reveal and then include that uniquely BRILLIANT contribution as an equally integral part of my/our Art. 

Above all else, this is what brings me true joy and my greatest sense of genuine accomplishment.” 

- Jim Bowers, Artist

These are words to live by. So, look at the brilliant YOU and discover your own Art, and say, "What now?"  I think you'll know the answer!!!

Comments please!!

Sunday, February 12, 2023

Moments in Time...That's Life!

 As we go through each day, most of us never think about the 1,440 minutes that make up each day or the 525,600 minutes in a year. But in reality, our lives are these minutes - moments in time. So, what do you do to make each of these minutes special and precious moments? Do we do our best to value each minute? Do we do something positive - even in small ways - for each of those minutes? Think about it! In his book, "Today Matters", John C. Maxwell talks about making each day one of value - special and positive. What he is saying is that if we hold each day - and each minute in that day - beautiful and special for ourselves, then our lives will be built upon moments of good and positive actions.

Using the analogy of building a house...each moment is a block upon which the next block is to be laid. To be solid, each block must be solid and well made. One block upon the other, one block at a time, we can build a solid, well made, life of value into a mansion of our own lives. 

That's a life that can be beautiful!!

Here's a poem I wrote originally in 2012 and revised in 2014. It is called, appropriately, "One Moment In Time."

One Moment In Time

In the dark there is a light
In the light a darkness rises
Yet, there is just one night now
Just this moment in time
Just one moment in time

My eyes have turned from blue
To the steely coldness of grey
Yet, in the light my darkness rises
Just this moment in time
Just one moment in time

Across the land a pale light rises
A new day comes brightly onward
Yet, soon the silent night is overcome
Just this moment in time
Just one moment in time

I thought the darkness never ending
Surrounding me ever into infinity 
Yet, in it all there is light outward
Just this moment in time
Just one moment in time

Now all of the dark has faded
The blue and black into gold and white
Yet, the light I know now is me
Just this moment in time
Just a moment in time
Just one moment in time
Just my moment in time.

"One Moment In Time"  Copyright, Larry Eiring, 2012/2023

Will you step out of the dark and bring your light into each of your many moments in time? Do that every minute you can and you'll see what a beautiful life you can have!!


Friday, February 10, 2023

Coming Back Is Possible

Many times in our lives we can feel lost. Lost to ourselves, Lost to others, Lost even in the places where we are. Yet, the reality is that we don't have to stay lost. We have the power within ourselves to "find" all that we need. Each of us holds so much more value than we recognize, so much more power of life and hope than we realize. What it takes is courage and having the dignity of risk to honestly look inward. It's not that difficult really. The key action is honesty. To be able to have the courage to find your own value means that you must be 100% honest with yourself first. You must discover and accept the good, the bad, and the uglies about yourself and realize that all of that is who you are. And then, take the risk - with dignity and grace - to find who you are and chart an exciting course forward. Once you start moving forward, you will not be lost. You have a direction and will be on a journey of value and light.

In 2017, I wrote several poems about being lost myself, desperate in a dark place, and looking for someone, something, in my own life. This is one of those poems.

Back Where I Belong

These days are getting so much longer
Longer than I could ever imagine
The closer I get to there now
It seems like I'll never figure out
All of the ways I can get back
I've not always been the best man
And not the best friend for you
But it's been you and your love
That's helped me make it through
You always gave me another chance
To be the person I could be
Now all I want is to get back
To that place where I belong
Now all I want is to know
There's someone like you out there
Waiting with a smile on their face
To say to me, "Welcome back"
Back to where I belong
I was always running from my life
Running from all those places
From all the pain I once made
I wrapped it around me so tight
Turned all my days into night
But now I am running to the light
This is my hope bold and bright
Right now I want it all
Right now I want to see me
Right now I want to see you
Right now I want to come back
To the place where I belong.

"Back Where I Belong"   Copyright, Larry Eiring, 2017

Are you still running? Are you still looking for yourself? Are you still missing a friend or a loved one? Know this: With honesty, courage, dignity, and will get back to the place you belong.

As always, I'd love your comments and thoughts!

Thursday, February 9, 2023

A Thought Of Colors and Words and Life

 Here is another poem of mine. This one was written as I thought of how people see me, and I see them...and how we all see each other. Think about yourself and the colors of our world...and the beauty within.

Paint Me With Words

Paint me with words
What colors will you see
How about bright yellow
Shining just like the sun
Maybe a bit of cool blue
Is that for the mood I'm in
Or orange bold and forceful
A color full of my energy.

Paint me with words
What colors do you see
Did you consider clean white
Pure and simple and bright
There's green like new life
Renewal and rebirth seep out
Or pure red flowing and warm
The love and hope in my heart.

Paint me with words
What colors do I see
As I look outward at you
Funny how I don't see 
Any colors at all now
Black and white and in between
Blend all together into one
Beauty in all and everything.

Paint me with words
What colors do we see
Should we see any at all
Paint me with words
Laughter and tears
Smiles and fears
What colors do I see
I see them all and more
Painting words of love
Painting words of life.

    "Paint Me With Words"  Larry Eiring, Copyright, 2018

So, think about it! What colors do YOU see? I'd enjoy your comments!!! Let's discuss!

Tuesday, February 7, 2023

A Poem For The Journey

In the years 2012 through 2018, I was wonderfully moved to create several poems/songs that reflected my life and my feelings. Last week, I was thinking that here would be a good place to brings several of these to you in the hope that maybe my words can help you reflect and find hope and value in your life. So, over the next few weeks, I'm going to post these and will welcome your comments!!

The Journey Is Life

The journey is life
Without the journey
There is no beginning and no end
There is no birth and no death
There are no ups and no downs.

Without the journey 
There is no sun and no rain
There is no joy and no sorrow
There are no failures and no successes.

Without the journey
There is no here and no there
There is no light and no dark
There are no challenges and no opportunities.

Without the journey
There is no hope.

Without the journey
There is no you and no me.

The journey is all we have
The journey is us
The journey is life.

  -- "The Journey is Life" Copyright Larry Eiring, 2017 

Yes, our lives are a journey. But what a wonderful journey it can be if we only look at the value within ourselves and in the journey itself!!
